Friday, July 2, 2010

Kick it where it counts.....

Considering I'm not working this summer, I should be blogging like crazy right?  Well, here's to a July full of blog posts, I hope.

Consider it kicked:

1. WIND, I loathe wind.
2. People who talk a big game, and never follow through.
3. Buying school supplies in July.
4. People that grunt at the gym.
5. Men who drive their cars shirtless, I actually find this hilarious, please don't stop.

I'm living the American dream right now, I don't have much to complain about, HOLLER!
What do you want to kick where it counts?


Haley said...

1. Roommates who get in the shower before me, even when I announced ten minutes ago that's where I was headed. Eff her.

2. Hot flashes. What am I, 55?

3. Very Low Income. As in: Not working and therefore, broke as hell.

4. Metal sunglasses that burn my face.

5. People who not only grunt, but have to have TWO towels at the gym. Helllllo? It's called deodorant. Ever heard of it?

na said...

1. Space and time.

becca said...

i hate gym grunters. you go to 24, right? do you ever see the latino guy who has super skinny legs over between the stairs and the drinking fountain? i hate him. he talks to random people and when he grunts he yells.

Ally Cat said...

I would like to kick the "American Dream" in the crotch. Why? Well becasue the "American Dream" we once believed in is not the same "American Dream" of today. Today's "American Dream" is exactly what you have said here: sitting around not working and doing nothing all that important yet somehow mysteriously still receiving a paycheck. At least I know you actually work some months out of the year. Thanks for contributing to society 9 months out of the year.

Kara said...

Becca and Kate... I have to Kick something in the CROTCH!!!!
1. People that slow down/stop on the free way to look at a car pulled over. They just have a flat tire!!! KEEP DRIVING!!! It slows down all four lanes and I almost can't handle it!!!