Monday, September 14, 2009

Greetings from AlohaLand

So we enjoyed a little trip to Hawaii in August. It was a glorious time, filled with great boogey boarding waves, our own private beach, snorkeling, delicious seafood, lots of shave ice, pastries, sand and sun.

Hurricane Felicia tried to put a damper on our plans in paradise, but we just plain didn't let her. Plus, she was DOWNGRADED from a hurricane to a "tropical depression"... (how embarrassing for her).

Upon arriving to our little beach house, we promptly stumbled across some good luck. A baby life jacket!
Peace man.
Hal broke out the bright orange "wicking" shirt about 37 seconds after we arrived. "I don't want to get chaffed," he explained. The rowdy color also helped us keep track of him when he tried to body surf and got worked 9 out of 10 tries.
After a delicious meal at Haliewa Joe's, we walked along the boat dock and enjoyed the sunset.

Sharon lookin' fine with her gals.
The locals love to fish. They like it so much that we saw a guy running on the beach get clothes-lined by one of the lines.
We enjoyed a beautiful hike in the mountains.
We came across some "dudes" and "chicks" smoking some serious weed on the trail. I turned around and exclaimed to my mom, "COLLEGE!!!!"

We went to Lanikai Beach, which was the most beautiful beach I had ever seen. I think we've pretty much talked Hal into buying a house there. They're ONLY like $5 Mill, c'mon Hal, don't be stingy.

We went to the famous "Blowhole" where the water shoots out of this hole in the rocks. I don't know if y'all have seen the episodes of Saved By the Bell when the gang goes to Hawaii, but they drive right past this place... don't worry, I recognized it.


Malerie said...

your boobs are huge!!!
Becca... we already know that you boobs are huge.

Two Ladies and No Baby said...

Dude Mal,

My boobs have surpassed Becca's. HOLLA!!!

Vanessa said...

Beautiful photos!!

Anonymous said...

holy, the only classy comment here is from Vanessa! What do you think this is....some trashy blog?
Nailed It! trashy and classy.....that's about right
-B loaf

Anonymous said...

The expressions that were caught in each photo are priceless. I think you did a fabulous job of naming each one Kate. Don't you guys miss being on the water with the Fraughton's now that we don't have the Lake Powell houseboat anymore? Just think how much more fun you all would have had if you'd invited us!!

Haley said...

i might have just laughed out loud for, oh, i don't know...twenty five minutes?
I think my favorite is the "Surprised Asian," mostly because it's spot on, and its title is also borderline ignorant.

love my ladies! i sure do!

Haley said...

PS: The Christensen gals have fantastic racks.