Sunday, December 13, 2009


I just finished reading a story about Stephanie Nielson aka Nie Nie. If you don't know who she is you should change that. I blog stalk her on a very consistent basis. She is a plane crash survivor, Mormon, mother, wife, and positively inspiring gal.

I found my eyes welling up as I read her story. As I listened to her sweet voice speak of the accident and her life since. Trials and adversity give you a certain perspective. I know that. She has incredible perspective. It is a very underrated tool.

I don't know Stephanie  personally. But I feel like I know her. And although our adversities and trials have been very different, I can relate to her, in feelings of frustration, anger, question, loss, hope, faith, and a belief that things will get better. They do get better. And in this life, we have to go through all this crap in order to earn something far greater in the next.

Thank you Nie Nie.

To visit her blog and read her amazing story, click here




cyrie said...

I read that this morning. Love her.

Two Ladies and No Baby said...

I read it too, wow! So sad but very inspiring and it reminds you everything that you have to be grateful for.