Thursday, December 3, 2009

JTT where are you?

Remember J.T.T.? Pretty sure I watched Home Improvement just for him (and Tim Allen of course, in my 7th grade year book I wrote that Tim Allen was my favorite actor).   I think Hollywood could use a little J.T.T. right now, I know I could.


Sennett Fraughton said...

I agree. What a performance he had in "Wild America." I miss ol' J.T.T.

Amy said...

Remember when he just couldn't wait to be king?

Megs said...

Oh, I KNOW we only watched Home Improvement for him. Remember when there was the cancer scare and we cried, thinking JTT was going to die?

rich said...

I know where he has been... In Utah!

I have a friend who worked in a salon that cut that cut the hair of a lot of people who went to a certain rehab facility in Utah.

Anyways, you know what happened one day... JTT came into the salon.

It was a funny story. My friend said that she and all her other friends went nuts.

So there you go. JTT was in Utah in rehab, and he got his hair cut in my friend's salon.

Anonymous said...

Rehab!? I thought he was a wholesome guy, LAME! At least he got help I guess.

Haley said...


Remember that one time, when we called the suicide/pregnancy/drug addicts/overall-confused-teenager Hotline, because he was on the commercial and we thought he'd answer the phone?
I do.

Kate said...

Rich, you're full of it!! J.T.T. would never do drugs! Tim and Jill taught him better than that. Brad would be a more believable candidate for the drug scenario. Plus, I would never name my hampster after a so-called drug addict. I have more taste than that.
