Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mr. Steinbrenner

Ice skating with this guy is a treat!

Our dad never looks at our blog. So you can imagine our surprise when he mentioned a certain blog post, over our Christmas holiday. His response was this, "It's a shame you two won't be going to any more Jazz games." Obviously the man knows how to get his point across. The rest of you people who were lucky enough to appear in 'Look At You For Ugly,' will not get an apology. Instead, you will get a you're welcome.

Reasons to Love Hal Murdock Christensen:

1. He has no shame. This guy has been known to dress up for movie premieres. To our knowledge he has dressed up for Dances with Wolves (as an Indian complete with animal skins and headdress) and Zorro (complete with mask and swords and his two little Zorros, Seth and Sennett). He will also sing songs in restaurants. The guy never gets embarrassed. 

2. He made our backyard into a luge course in the winters. One year he even strung lights so we could sled down our course in the dark. 

3. He ran into a road sign with his car and just kept driving.

4.  He is the owner/sponsor of our flag football team. He helped lead us to an intramural championship for sobbing out loud. Just call him Mr. Steinbrenner.

5. He once went to the grocery store with our pet parakeet on his shoulder.

6. He isn't a fair weather fan. His teams are not good: Washington Redskins, The Jazz, The Washington Senators (hello, they don't even exist anymore).

7. He built us a clubhouse.

8. He is a lot like Clark W. Griswold. Sometimes we find him in the attic watching home movies on a projector with a mink around his shoulders.

9. He thinks John Adams was a prima donna.

10. He gave a wedgie to a stranger (a grown man) at a gas station. He thought it was our neighbor. And it wasn't.

Clearly, he's the best dad!
Gooooo JAZZ!!!


Ninjas said...

How did he recover from that last one? I mean I just don't know what I would do...That is awesome.

Kelli K said...

You guys had THE best sledding in the whole neighborhood growing up... it was always a big deal- your family is awesome.

Bain Becomes a Master said...

HILARIOUS!! We all love Hal!

Lindsay said...

This is so great!

Anonymous said...

Go Senators!

Ally Cat said...

He used to walk me home in the dark with Werty's leash in one hand and mine in the other. Good dad. WE LOVE HAL!

Haley said...

Halbert. THE neighbor of the year. Well, at least the MALE neighbor of the year.

Sorry, Roy. Second Place.