Friday, January 18, 2008

Public Areas=No Naked Areas...Ever

Although it is Friday night, we felt we needed a run. We decided after a quick jog that we would end our workout with a little hot tub sesh. Everything went as planned except for the nasty guys in the hot tub, but even they were better than what we were about to see. After about 10 minutes in the hot tub we headed back into the girl's locker room. I wish there had been a hidden camera to capture the look of shock and dismay in our virgin eyes. Spotted....naked girl standing right by our locker. Buck naked. We should probably add that not only was she naked in front of our locker she wasn't pleasing to the eye either. Why do people have to be publicly naked in locker rooms? If you are comfortable being naked....good for you but why do you have to show everyone else? Fat, skinny, short, tall, black, white, asian, finnish, Idahoan I don't care. I don't want to see you naked...ever! Period.


rich said...

How are you supposed to get changed without being naked. I say if you got it flaunt it... like I do in front of all the dudes in the locker room. And then when they look at you you stare back and give them the look that says "What are you like gay or something".

katiebabe said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Miss C. said...

So I just deleted katiebabe's comment because I didn't really like it and the blog administrator rules with an iron fist. Who the hell is katiebabe?

Adrienne said...

Okay, so I second this thought! Seriously, whenever I am in the locker room at teh gym I see someone naked too, and I feel like a child but it makes me so uncomfortable!

and here is the worst part....they aren't just changing quickly, rushing to get themselves covered. No...they are usually blow drying their hair furiously, or towel drying themselves rigorously...which as you can imagine, doing this naked, leads to some body parts shaking that I NEVER need to see on anyone, let alone complete strangers!!!

So I hear nudity in public should ever be considered acceptable!!!

Amy said...

holla becca! Amen to being not completely nude!