Barking dogs
Newport Escapade
People: Ally, Becca, Daniel
Places: Newport Coast, Disneyland, Laguna Beach, L.A.
Renting our first car--paying fees because we are under 25
Marriot Suite
Beach--Daniel hating the beach
Taking pictures with strangers
Disneyland--sitting by Daniel as he's FREAKING out on rides
Disneyland Hangover
Shopping--buying random stuff at Urban O.
Jazz Win
Mother's Day Joe's Crab Shack dinner--being told we were the nicest Mormon's our waitress had met that day. Waitress thinking that Daniel was either drunk or high.
*Sidenote:I triple heart the beach. One day I will have a house on the beach. Please, I'm a good girl!!
I am saddened and dismayed that I missed this adventure due to work and my desperate attempts in trying to stick it to the man. Is Ally's shirt talking about Hil Clinton? I sure hope not. Becks, I love your Run shirt, it is most excellent. Also, the glasses you bought, super sick, but I kinda like em. Not bad, not bad. Anyway, I'd really like to see some video footage on here if you've got it.
We got some sweet footage of Daniel trying to scale a wall....
And yes, my shirt is Hillary Clinton. But I plan on sweating a lot when I wear it. And getting it really dirty.
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